The state food and drug administration issued the measures for the management of food recalls.

2017-06-12 10:39:23 kdhy 230

The first responsibility for the implementation of food producers or marketers of food safety, to strengthen food safety supervision, public health and life security, February 9, 2015, the state food and drug supervision and management of the administration, adopted at the meeting examined and approved the measures for the administration of food recall.

On March 11, the director of the state administration of food and drug administration, bi jingquan, signed the 12th order, which will take effect on September 1, 2015.


State food and drug supervision and management of administration conscientiously implement the party's 18th the fourth plenary session of the spirit, adhere to scientific and democratic legislation, efforts to improve the quality of legislation.

On the basis of absorbing the useful experience from home and abroad, the method of food recall management is formed by extensive research and many arguments.

The main topics include:


First, we will strengthen the prevention and control of food safety.

In the case of unsafe food in production and operation, the food producers and operators shall immediately cease production and operation;

Products have entered the market, the food producers and traders shall be in strict accordance with the term of unsafe food recall, and inform the related food production operators to stop the production and business operation, consumers stopped eating, and take the necessary measures to prevent and control food safety risks.

Second, the food market opening in the centralized trading of rent, food, food business counter trade fair organizers, network food trading third-party platform provider found unsafe food, it shall timely take effective measures to ensure that the relevant operators to stop unsafe food.

Third, we will standardize the time limit for the recall of food producers and operators.

Level of recall is after eating or may result in serious health damage and even death, should be aware of food safety risk within 24 hours after the start, and within 10 working days to complete;

The secondary recall is after consumption or may cause general health damage should be started within 48 hours after knowledge of the risk of food safety and within 20 working days;

The tertiary recall is a food for labeling and identification of false labels, should be launched within 72 hours after knowledge of related food safety risks and within 30 working days.

4 it is illegal to add non-food substances, rotten and death of livestock and poultry such as serious damage to human health and life safety of unsafe food, shall be destroyed immediately in situ.


Second, strengthen the implementation of the responsibility of enterprises.

One is the explicit principal obligation.

The food producers and operators shall bear the obligation of the first responsible persons of food safety and the cessation of production and operation, recall and disposition of unsafe food in accordance with the law.

Second, the announcement of the regulations.

Food producers and operators should issue an unsecured food recall announcement on the website of the food and drug administration above the provincial level and the major media.

Third, strict written reports.

Unsafe food is food safety risks, food producers and traders shall be in stop production and business operation, recall and disposal within 5 working days after the unsafe food food and drug regulators written report.

The fourth is the normative information record.

Food producers and traders shall truthfully record the stop the production and operation, and disposal of unsafe food recall the name, trademark, specifications, production date, batch, quantity, etc.

Records shall be kept for at least two years.

Fifth, we need to strengthen accountability.

To immediately stop the production and business operation, is voluntarily recalling, according to the prescribed the recalls, in accordance with the recall recall unsafe food or don't dispose of unsafe food in accordance with the relevant provisions are set, the action of the legal responsibility.

In strengthening the main responsibility of food producers and traders at the same time, also states the food producers or marketers initiative to stop the production and business operation, recall and disposal measures of unsafe food, eliminate or reduce the harmful consequences, be given a lighter or mitigated punishment in accordance with the law;

If the circumstances are minor and correct in time and there are no harmful consequences, no administrative punishment shall be given.


Third, strengthen the strict supervision in accordance with the law.

First, they shall be ordered to perform according to law.

Did not stop the production and business operation in accordance with the food producers and traders, recall and disposal of unsafe food, the food and drug supervision department at or above the county level may order them to fulfill the obligations.

The second is to issue an early warning message.

For effective prevention and control risk, the food and drug regulators can release early warning information and requirements related to food production operator to stop the production and business operation unsafe food, and prompt consumers to stop eating.

Third, on-site supervision and inspection.

The food and drug regulatory authorities may conduct on-site supervision and inspection on food production operators to stop production and operation, recall and dispose of unsafe food.

Four is to carry out the effect evaluation.

The food and drug regulatory authorities may review the reports of unsafe food submitted by food producers to stop production, operation, recall and disposition of food products.

Evaluation conclusion of food producers and traders to take measures to control food safety risk, the food and drug regulatory departments shall order the food producers and traders to take more effective measures to stop the production and business operation, recall and disposal of unsafe food.

The food and drug administration has organized a food safety expert library to provide professional support for the cessation of production operations, recalls and disposals of unsafe food.

Fifth, we will strengthen the implementation of responsibilities.

The food and drug regulatory departments shall perform their duties according to law, the adverse consequences, in accordance with the law, the person in charge directly responsible and other persons directly responsible shall be given administrative sanctions.


State food and drug supervision and management of administration requires all localities departments of food and drug supervision earnestly "measures for the management of food recall" implement the work of propaganda, to further standardize the unsafe food to stop production and business operation, recall and disposal work, constantly improve the capability and level of food safety regulation, effective prevention and control of food safety risk, to ensure the public food safety.
